Ugh, let me tell you that I spent almost an hour trying to write this post only to have good ol' Safari freeze on me after I was nearly done with my post THREE TIMES...ugh!!!!
Well, over the past few months I have been turned off from drawing. I haven't touched a pencil, and really don't have a desire too lately either. I think I was mostly turned off by last year's The Sketchbook Project. I spent all of last fall/winter drawing in the same sketch book, trying to perfect it, and finish every single page, only to find out that after traveling to 5 major cities, it was only viewed once...ONCE! Needless to say I will not be participating in it again this year.
Instead I've been concentrating on my design work. Aside from my day job working as a photo retoucher, I was able to score some side work for Hazelman Farms. I redesigned their current logo for them, and am also working with them on designing a website for a client of theirs.