Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Tigger and Eeyore

Well, I guess you can say it's been awhile since my last post!  As you can probably imagine, things have been a little hectic in my life right now!  I am now 30 weeks pregnant with baby C, and we are slowly getting things ready, including the nursery!  Before we even found out the gender, we decided we were going to do a Winnie the Pooh theme for the nursery, so we've been hard at work!  I painted this Tigger and Eeyore painting on canvas to hang on the wall.  My husband loves Tigger, and I'm more of an Eeyore gal, so this painting suits our relationship so well!

I'm planning on painting one more painting for baby C's room, but this time with Winnie the Pooh and Piglet.  I already started the sketch, so hopefully I'll be able to post the finished product on here soon!  I also have a couple pregnancy doodles I've done over the past few months, and once I stop being lazy, I will also post those.

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